Happy New Year! Welcome back and I hope you all had a great festive period! Of course with the new year I’m sure you are seeing an influx of people talking about weight loss and that new diet that they just started. If you're new you may be wondering what else can I do that helps me to become the healthiest version of myself without the worry of weight? Well intuitive eating and non-diet approaches is one way!Non-Diet ... Read the Post...
What Is Intuitive Eating?
Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is a topic that seems to get a lot of stick from people, when really this can be a really useful tool for someone who is in need of comfort. Of course, like any coping mechanism there can be a time when it does become a problem and this is usually when it is the only tool that we have to bring ourselves comfort.Before we delve into emotional eating more, it's important to understand the definition. ... Read the Post...
Why Breast Isn’t Always Best
When asked the optimal method for feeding an infant, in the first months of life, a well-known saying will often come to mind: ‘breast is best’. This campaign slogan was part of the 1999 campaign which aimed to increase the number of mothers breastfeeding in the UK. Tessa Jowell, public health minister at the time, launched this campaign because it was apparent that, in comparison to other countries, the UK did not ... Read the Post...
Should I Supplement? Part 3
I’m sure if you are part of the wellness world you have heard about this substance, but do you know what it actually does? And if it actually helps? All ideas are backed up by science and articles can be found at the bottom of the article! MCT oil What is MCT oil and what do people claim it helps with?MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride which has about 6-12 carbon atoms. The majority of your diet will be ... Read the Post...