I often get asked what makes organic food special, and is it worth paying extra to buy organic food? I myself have been curious about this in the past, so I thought I’d breakdown what is meant by organic food and maybe dispel a few myths along the way.What is meant by organic food?Organic foods need to comply with the organic farming standards of the specific country. In the UK, it means that organic food are foods which ... Read the Post...
What Is Organic Food?
Vitamin C and Immune Health
Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin. It is also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is not produced by the body so it must be obtained through foods and it is important to meet the daily requirements for Vitamin C. It has several important functions including:· The formation of collagen (connective tissues)· It increases non heme (plant based) iron absorption· Necessary for wound healing (1)Vitamin C helps to ... Read the Post...
Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is an important micronutrient to have in our diet. Vitamin D behaves like a hormone which our body cannot make itself and it must be obtained from the diet (1). It is a fat-soluble vitamin which is naturally present in only a few foods. The three sources of vitamin D are sun radiation, diet and supplementation (2). Vitamin D can be synthesised by our skin when exposed to sunlight. Roles of Vitamin DVitamin D ... Read the Post...
What Is Gentle Nutrition?
Before getting into gentle nutrition, it would help to first know about Intuitive Eating (IE), which is the broader philosophy of healthy eating, of which, gentle nutrition is an aspect.In a nutshell, The ‘Intuitive Eating’ book states that IE is “Listening to your body” (‘Intuitive Eating’,fourth edition).For more on Intuitive Eating, refer to this post.What Is Gentle Nutrition?In the book, ‘Intuitive Eating’, embracing ... Read the Post...